
US Energy Department kick starts energy storage with $43 million

Posted at August 9, 2012 » By : » Categories : News » Comments Off on US Energy Department kick starts energy storage with $43 million

The US Department of Energy is investing $43 million in energy storage technologies to drive forward electric vehicles and grid technologies.

The investment in 19 research projects is being made under the auspices of the the Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E).

Twelve research projects will share $30 million to advanced sensing and control technologies to improve the safety, performance and lifetime of grid-scale and vehicle batteries. These innovations will reduce costs and improve the performance of energy storage technologies for both plug-in and hybrid electric vehicles.

A further $13 million is being earmarked for projects developing cutting-edge energy storage technologies for stationary power and electric vehicles, focusing on new battery chemistries and designs.

“This latest round of ARPA-E projects seek to address the remaining challenges in energy storage technologies, which could revolutionize the way Americans store and use energy in electric vehicles, the grid and beyond,” says Secretary of Energy Steven Chu.

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