
Energy efficiency could help schools cut energy bills by £70 million

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The Carbon Trust is urging schools in England to invest in energy efficiency measures, which could help cut annual energy bills by £70 million.

Free or low cost energy efficiency measures like using lighting, heating and computers efficiently or investing in upgraded equipment can save the average secondary school up to £21,500 a year or 14% of its energy costs, says the Carbon Trust, which is launching a new service for schools.

The Trust will be writing to all schools and Local Education Authorities in England about the new service, Empower for Schools, which provides energy saving tools, resources and onsite training.

Based on the Trust’s experiences working with over 3000 schools to date, the service also gives teachers practical learning experiences, support for lessons, carbon comparisons and quizzes to get pupils involved.

“Right now we know that schools are needlessly spending too much money on their energy bills. Taking action on this will not only free up budgets for educational spending, it will also help to combat climate change,” says Richard Rugg, who heads the Carbon Trust’s public sector advice division.

Last year, the Trust piloted the scheme with over 250 schools including Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council’s 13 schools. The Council had been spending £2.5 million a year on energy for all of its schools but after a successful trial is rolling out the service over all its schools and hopes to save nearly £1.3 million over the next three years.

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