
With NordStream 2 ready to deliver gas to Europe, what is the hold up?

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In this episode of the Resonance you will learn:

  • With NordStream2 seemingly ready to deliver, what are we waiting for?
  • Russia underlines need for Europe to ask for extra capacity for gas if needed.
  • Are longer term contracts needed to provide Europe with security of supply?
  • With Spain as one of the largest LNG importers the country faces an additional challenge from North African gas supplies.
  • Are member states taking steps to help business energy users with costs?
  • What might this mean for Fit for 55, particularly as we approach COP26?
  • Why are carbon prices dropping?
  • Suppliers continue to leave the market across Europe, but what does this mean for consumers?

If ever there was a period to highlight the need for a strategy for energy risk management and consumption reduction, the time is now, to set a path to control supply costs, reduce energy consumption and emissions, and boost your company’s performance for sustainable growth.

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