US University gets $7.2m for cutting energy use
Posted on 05 August 2013 by Priyanka Shrestha
A US University has received incentives worth $7.2 million (£4.7m) for the past three years for implementing energy efficiency measures across its campus.
The University of California (UC), San Diego (pictured) saved more than 21 million kWh – reducing more than 2MW of energy demand – between 2010 and 2012 through 30 efficiency projects.
That’s the equivalent of removing more than 5,000 cars off the road, powering nearly 4,000 homes for a year and preventing the emissions of more than 25,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
The total incentives from energy company San Diego Gas Electric (SDGE) for the University’s energy efficiency efforts include $330,000 (£215,278) for 2010, $2.5 million (£1.63m) for 2011 and $4.4 million (£2.87m) for 2012.
Gary C. Matthews, UC San Diego’s Vice Chancellor for Resource Management and Planning said: “At UC San Diego, we are dedicated to finding sustainable solutions and it is an honour to have these efforts commended. This recognition is a great example of how UC San Diego’s commitment to energy efficiency and protecting the environment helps our campus control costs, conserve resources and contribute to a more sustainable future.”
UC San Diego and SDGE are partners in a state-wide energy efficiency programme which aims to achieve cost-effective and immediate peak energy savings support for campuses in completing projects that cut greenhouse gas emissions.
Earlier this year ELN reported California is getting solar-powered bus shelters across the state in an effort to cut energy costs. The former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger backed the UK’s Green Deal scheme and gave the thumbs up as he congratulated the Government on its leadership in the field of energy efficiency.
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