
‘UK’s electricity storage pipeline hinders net zero grid’

Posted at June 15, 2023 » By : » Categories : News » Comments Off on ‘UK’s electricity storage pipeline hinders net zero grid’

The UK’s electricity storage pipeline faces significant challenges in reaching a net zero grid.

That’s according to a report by Balance Power, which reveals a mismatch between current business models, support systems and the technical requirements for achieving net zero.

According to the analysis, the focus of the UK electricity storage pipeline has been predominantly on two-hour duration solutions.

However, the report suggests that longer-duration projects, particularly those lasting eight hours, offer a better balance in terms of operational flexibility, cost-effectiveness and connection capacity.

The UK is currently facing significant grid connection delays, with estimated wait times of up to 15 years for new energy projects.

In response, Balance Power urges regulatory bodies, such as Ofgem and National Grid, to incentivise the market towards longer-duration storage projects.

Experts say that this approach could help improve connection timeframes and potentially eliminate the need for costly infrastructure upgrades.

Nick Provost, Commercial Manager and author of the report says: “All stakeholders must ensure that the electricity storage business models and technical needs are aligned or we all risk losing out on a net zero grid system.

“Clean, dispatchable electricity generation technology investment is essential to avoid jeopardising our security of supply, and critically, our analysis suggest that facilitating 8hr duration electricity storage should be the goal.”

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