
UK Ministry of Defence enlists IBM to improve building efficiency

Posted at December 2, 2012 » By : » Categories : News » Comments Off on UK Ministry of Defence enlists IBM to improve building efficiency

The UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) has enlisted IT giant IBM to help it improve the energy efficiency of its 4000 military bases and training grounds.

The MoD’s operational arm, the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), plans to use IBM’s smarter buildings software and services to reduce operating costs and make better use of its extensive property portfolio.

The organisation currently owns around 45,000 buildings, 55,000 houses and 135,000 single living spaces, spread over ten countries as well as the UK.

With buildings one of the largest sources of carbon emissions, the MoD wants to replace its old IT infrastructure with a new centralised information management systems that will make organising its vast network of buildings easier and more efficient.

“Having the right data at the right time is essential for DIO,” says IBM’s vice president of smarter physical infrastructure, Dave Bartlett. “IBM’s analytics and smarter buildings software will help provide a new level of intelligence to how the MOD is managing its global real estate portfolio.”

IBM’s TRIRIGA solution will give the DIO an overall view of its property holdings and hold data on how efficiently they are being used.

The software platform, which IBM acquired along with its US developer in 2011, brings together the management and analysis of data from building systems such as heat, water, sewage and electricity, as well as assessing long-term building and space needs.

“The award of this contract to IBM represents a major milestone in transforming the DIO since it will allow us to work smarter in providing a Defence estate, which meets military needs and supports our Armed Forces,” says Andrew Manley, DIO chief executive.

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