
UK Labour leader says environment “absolutely central” to vision

Posted at October 7, 2012 » By : » Categories : News » Comments Off on UK Labour leader says environment “absolutely central” to vision

After disappointing the green community with his keynote party conference speech this week, Labour Party leader Ed Miliband has said that the environment is “absolutely central” to his vision for the UK.

The former Energy Secretary under the previous Labour government failed to mention the environment in his otherwise well-received ‘one nation’ speech, but has subsequently insisted that the issue is high on his agenda.

In a question and answer session at the end of the conference, Miliband admitted the omission and said green growth was central to his ‘one nation’ vision.

The opposition leader said it was wrong to choose between a good economy and a good environment and criticised the government for undermining the success of the solar industry.

The comments have been welcomed by Friends of the Earth’s policy and campaigns director Craig Bennett.

“We’re delighted Ed Miliband has found his green voice – a One Nation approach must recognise that we only have one planet,” he said. “Labour must now become the greenest Opposition ever and challenge the Chancellor’s reckless dash for gas.”

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Related stories:
Clegg vows to hold Conservatives to environmental promises (27-Sept)
Lib Dems and Labour back binding decarbonisation target (26-Sept)
Climate Change Committee condemns UK government’s ‘dash for gas’ (14-Sept)

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