
UK Energy Minister gives Scottish low-carbon efforts a boost

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On a visit to Edinburgh yesterday, UK Energy Secretary Ed Davey announced a triple boost for regional activities on renewables, carbon capture and storage (CCS), and energy bill savings.

In a keynote address to the Low Carbon Investment Conference, Davey promised a new steering group to look at the development of renewables projects on the Scottish Islands and £20 million to fund Scottish research and development activities in CCS.

Concerns have been growing that the development of wind and marine energy projects on the Scottish Islands are slowing.

Now the UK and Scottish governments will join forces to look at the issues that are affected the development of these resources.

“The Scottish Islands are blessed with tremendous tidal, wind and wave renewable resources and we should look to fully utilise this huge potential where we can,” said Davey. “I have been very impressed with the wind and marine developments I’ve seen this week during my visits to Shetland and Orkney and it is important everything is being done to speed up progress.”

The steering group, which will meet for the first time next month, will look at issues such as the scale of charges faced by mainland and island generators in Scotland, said Scottish Energy Minister Fergus Ewing.

Meanwhile, £20 million will be invested through the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) in a 5 MW demonstration carbon capture plant, which can capture up to 95% of CO2 emissions.

The technology, which will be designed specifically for new-build or to retrofit combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power stations, is being developed by a consortium including Howden and Doosan Power Systems based in Scotland, along with UK concern MAST Carbon and Canadian company Inventys.

Finally, Davey also announced a £5 million competition for the most innovative local authority or collective helping consumers group together to get a better deal on their energy bills.

The Department of Energy and Climate Change’s switching competition will open for bids later this autumn, which can now include projects in Scotland.

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