
Sweden retains top spot on net power exports

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Sweden remained Europe’s largest net power exporter during the second half of last year.

That is one of the findings of a new report by energy analysts of EnAppSys which found that Sweden’s total net exports amounted to 17TWh, with most of the power flowing to Finland (8TWh) and Denmark (4TWh).

The authors of the report note that last year, Britain was in a net export position on average, with an estimated net export of 4.1TWh of power leaving the UK for continental Europe and Ireland.

France had the largest net volume of imports from Britain, analysts say.

They added that Italy remained the biggest net importer during the first six months of 2022, sourcing 21TWh from outside the country, of which 9.9TWh came from Switzerland and 7TWh from France.

Jean-Paul Harreman, director of EnAppSys BV, said: “Sweden always has a steady flow of exports to Finland and the Baltics due to a constant price difference in favour of Swedish nuclear and hydro generation.

“The flows to continental Europe via Poland, Denmark and Germany are also relatively constant. With other traditionally large exporters saw much lower exports (Norway, due to a dry summer) or even imports (France, due to low nuclear availability), Sweden’s more diversified fuel mix ensured it retained its position as Europe’s largest exporter.”

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