The UK government has announced over 40 winners of the latest phase of its renewable heating scheme for social housing providers.
The third phase of the government’s Renewable Heat Premium Payment social landlord competition (RHPP), which launched this summer, will see 44 projects sharing £3.2 million to install measures like biomass boilers, solar hot water panels and heat pumps.
Social housing providers like local authorities and housing associations were able to bid for up to €200,000 (or around £156,000).
The latest awards, which were chosen by the Energy Saving Trust (EST) and the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), are expected to help over 1000 social housing tenants across Britain.
“We need to move away from costly fossil fuel heating to more sustainable low carbon alternatives, not only to cut carbon but to help householders save money on bills too,” said Energy Minister Greg Barker, commenting on the awards. “It’s great to see so many social landlords getting on board and changing the way they heat their tenants’ homes.”
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