Ofgem has launched its strategy to bring the electric vehicle (EV) revolution closer to consumers and bring down the associated cost of the energy system.
The priorities set out by the UK energy market regulator focus on the adoption of smart charging and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology and the preparation of the network to welcome the massive rollout of EVs.
Ofgem said that millions will be invested in EV infrastructure, including rapid charge points.
Large users, such as EV charging stations might see their costs of connecting to the grid lower under the new plans.
The new strategy aims to maximise the benefits of smart charging – drivers who choose to charge their vehicles at periods of low demand will save money.
Ofgem has also pledged to support V2G technologies that will allow EV owners to earn money by exporting electricity back from their car battery to the grid when it is most needed.
The regulator said the proposals are expected to bring down costs of the installation of EV infrastructure.
Neil Kenward, Ofgem’s Director of Strategy and Devarbonisation, said: “EVs will revolutionise the way we use energy and provide consumers with new opportunities, through smart products, to engage in the energy market to keep their costs as low as possible.
“Our EV priorities not only provide a way to meet our climate change targets but importantly offers ways to protect consumers from rising bills, through a three-prong approach of increased use of EVs, smart charging and vehicle-to-grid technology which together can help drive down costs for all GB bill payers.”
Article source: https://www.energylivenews.com/2021/09/04/ofgem-sets-out-its-priorities-for-ev-revolution/