
Ofgem reveals list of suppliers with fake renewable fuel mix claims

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Ofgem has today published a list of 20 energy suppliers which “overstated” the share of the renewable electricity in their fuel mix disclosures (FMD) for the period 2019-2020.

The energy regulator found that energy firms reported having supplied a total of 2,151,820MWh more electricity from renewable sources than was supported by their evidence.

Eleven suppliers were also identified to have held insufficient Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin and/or Guarantee of Origin for their 2019/20 FMD statements.

Eighteen suppliers recognised their non-compliance and agreed to pay a total of £90,000 into the Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme.

The list includes energy suppliers that have exited the market.

Suppliers who held insufficient REGOs and/or GoOs to support the proportion of renewable electricity they reported to supply were Eneco Energy Trade BV, ESB Energy, Gazprom Energy, Green Supplier Limited, HUB Energy, Orsted, Outfox the Market, People’s Energy, Pozitive Energy, Sinq Power, Symbio Energy, Vattenfall Energy Trading and Yü Energy.

Suppliers who incorrectly used the UK Average Fuel Mix for their FMD statement, overstating the proportion of renewable electricity supplied were Ampower, Business Power and Gas Energy, Eco Green Management, Maxen Power, Northumbria Energy, Square1 Energy and Utility Point.

Responding to the announcement, Nigel Pocklington, Chief Executive Officer of Good Energy, said: “Greenwashed ‘certificated backed’ energy tariffs are already a consumer scandal. The revelation that suppliers are not even reaching the low bar of buying cheap certificates to back their claims is nothing short of outrageous.

“Hundreds of thousands of home and business owners have tried to do their bit to be greener and have been taken advantage of. The energy market is not short of challenges right now, but that only makes it more important that we protect customers. That these suppliers can get away with a voluntary £5,000 fine and a slap on the wrist is nowhere near good enough.”

Yesterday, Ofgem announced a pack of reform measures aimed at boosting the financial resilience of the sector.

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