Ofgem has supported National Grid’s plan to accelerate the speed of grid connections.
A few days ago, Britain’s system operator announced a reform of the way power generators apply to connect to the system to ramp up renewable energy capacity.
The ESO said it has initiated a five-point plan to update the existing connections process for the electricity transmission grid.
It has previously been reported that new renewable energy and battery projects need more than ten years to get connected to the grid.
In a letter to the head of Networks and Chief Engineer at National Grid ESO, Ofgem said: “If it appears that this work will not substantially improve the connection dates for the majority of connecting parties, this must be discussed with Ofgem, so that it can be discussed whether the two-step process should continue if it is not providing improvements to connecting parties.”
Article source: https://www.energylivenews.com/2023/03/03/ofgem-endorses-national-grids-grid-connection-plan/