In the King’s Speech, delivered today, plans for annual oil and gas licensing rounds have been confirmed.
The Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology (REA) has responded, emphasising the need for an urgent shift towards domestically generated clean energy and an extensive energy efficiency initiative to ensure genuine energy security.
The REA argues that promoting North Sea oil and gas exploration to create a division over the green agenda with other political parties is not in the best interests of industry or consumers and is incompatible with energy security and achieving net zero.
The REA calls for tangible steps to establish a stable long term investment environment for renewables and clean technologies.
This includes support for the green supply chain, new avenues for decarbonising heat, zero-rated VAT for small scale energy storage installations, ambitious measures for decarbonising transportation and funding for local authorities to implement simpler recycling measures.
Dr Nina Skorupska, Chief Executive of the REA, said: “Moving forward, the REA continues to urge all political parties to focus on delivering the investment we need to grow the renewable energy industry, unlocking the abundant potential of our clean technologies. The UK’s energy security and net zero targets depend on it.”
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