On the day we hear of possible U-turns on the petrol and diesel phase out date, our podcast this week explores exactly this issue, is it policy or business that drives change.
My guest for this episode is Julia Hailes, an environmental campaigner for more than 40 years, who first decided business was going to need to be on board if we were to change anything back in the early 80s.
She co-published the Green Consumer Guide in 1988, which kick started environmental consumerism and she made the bold step to say working with business was important if we are to really protect the planet.
So decades later how are we doing? Does it need government to regulate to kick business into action and did she ever think net zero would become a mainstream issue? We talk through all this and more.
Please remember you can now watch the podcast too and please follow the #netheropodcast on social and subscribe to our channels.
Article source: https://www.energylivenews.com/2023/09/20/net-hero-podcast-green-business-isnt-new/