
‘More women employed in renewables than other energy sectors’

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‘More women employed in renewables than other energy sectors’

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More than a quarter of employees in the renewable energy sector are women – a larger proportion than in the oil and gas or nuclear sectors, a new survey claims.

It suggests 28% of the workforce in the renewable energy industry in Scotland are female compared to 21% in the UK oil and gas sector and 18% in nuclear.

Jenny Hogan, Director of Policy for Scottish Renewables, which commissioned the survey said: “These findings would seem to suggest that renewable energy is attracting more women than other more established energy sectors.

“Having 28% of women working in renewables in Scotland is a good starting point for what we hope to be an increasing figure as the industry expands into emerging sectors such as wave, tidal and offshore wind.”

More than 540 companies were surveyed, with a total of 11,695 people employed in the Scottish renewables industry overall.

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