‘Majority of Brits’ switching on energy-saving bulbs
Posted on 25 January 2014 by Priyanka Shrestha
The UK is one of the top five EU nations embracing energy-saving compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) but is however lagging behind in switching to LEDs.
According to a survey from the Energy Saving Trust, nine out of 10 Brits (88%) are buying CFL bulbs – with the aim of cutting energy costs – putting the UK in fourth place after Italy, Portugal and Spain.
Only a third (33%) of householders are however buying LEDs – pushing it down to sixth place on the table.
LEDs are said to be more efficient and although more expensive than CFLs, they are expected to help save more money in the long term.
The Energy Saving Trust claims the UK could save as much as £1.4 billion on electricity bills every year by replacing their light bulbs with CFLs and LEDs, with each householder saving £50. It would also help cut 4.6 million tonnes of carbon emissions.
Tom Lock, Certification Manager at the Energy Saving Trust said: “We are encouraged by these findings which show that the majority of the UK public are realising the energy and cost saving benefits of energy saving light bulbs and buying them for their home.
“The most important thing is that consumers are given clear and accurate information about the quality of energy saving light bulbs and that the cost and energy saving benefits are fully realised.”
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Article source: http://www.energylivenews.com/2014/01/25/majority-of-brits-switching-on-energy-saving-bulbs/