Binding energy efficiency targets for Europe moved closer yesterday when the European Parliament’s Energy Committee approved the proposals.
In June, the European Parliament and Council stuck a deal to introduce mandatory energy efficiency measures in the forthcoming directive.
Under the proposals, which will now move onto a plenary vote in September, member states would be required to undertake energy efficiency upgrades of government buildings and energy companies would be subject to mandatory energy saving targets.
“The new energy efficiency directive enshrines the 20% efficiency target in law and sets out binding measures that will help bridge the gap that the EU must close to meet its pledge to cut energy consumption by 20% by 2020,” says the Parliament’s rapporteur, Claude Turmes.
Each member state would set its own energy efficiency target and present an action plan every three years in 2014, 2017 and 2020, with the European Commission assessing progress in 2014.
The proposals were almost unanimously approved, with none against and only 2 abstentions.
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