
EU makes progress on renewables but UK still lagging

Posted at January 15, 2013 » By : » Categories : News » Comments Off on EU makes progress on renewables but UK still lagging

The European Union is still making progress on renewables, with its energy share increasing to 13.4% in 2011, but the UK is still lagging in the league table of nations, according to the latest figures.

The independent EurObserv’ER Barometer ranks nations by the share of renewable energy out of their final energy consumption and compares the performance to the EU 2020 target.

While Sweden is way out in front with 47.6% renewables – ahead of its 2011/12 target of 41.6%, the UK is trailing three places off the bottom of the table with just 3.8% renewables in 2011 ahead of only Malta and Luxembourg.

The figure puts the UK behind where it should be at this stage – at least 4% – to realise its EU 2020 target of 15% renewables.

Across the whole region, however, the modest increase in renewable energy consumption – which equates to a rise in renewable electricity consumption from 19.8% to 20.6% in 2011 – puts the EU broadly on track to meet its targets.

The figures reveal that the rise is down to a small increase in renewable energy capacity and a 4.9% decrease in total energy consumption, mainly because of the mild winter in most parts of Europe.

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