
EDF Energy smart meter trial garners 5000th customer

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UK supplier EDF Energy has reached a milestone in its Low Carbon London smart meter trial after attracting its 5000th customer.

The trial, which is being backed by a consortium of partners led by London electricity network operator UK Power Networks, aims to help build understanding of how smart meters can facilitate a smart grid, meeting demand from electric vehicles and heat pumps while accommodating more microgeneration.

But for customers like the retired engineer who is the 5000th to sign up, the smart meter is all about understanding how much energy they are using.

UK Power Networks will monitor the impact of the smart meters on the city’s electricity network, as customers try to manage their usage more efficiently.

Some customers will also be offered innovative electricity tariffs to test whether it is possible to reduce peak demand or move activities to a different time of day when charges are lower.

The research is part of a four-year, £30 million programme being backed by energy regulator Ofgem through the Low Carbon Networks Fund.

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