
EC gives go ahead for EDF’s Hinkley Point nuclear project

Posted at August 10, 2012 » By : » Categories : News » Comments Off on EC gives go ahead for EDF’s Hinkley Point nuclear project

The European Commission has given the thumbs up to EDF Energy’s plans for a new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point C in Somerset in the south of England.

The plans “contribute to develop a sustainable national energy mix”, according to the statement from the Commission, which reviews such projects under the auspices of Article 41 of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) Treaty.

EDF Energy has expressed “delight” that the project has been given a clean bill of health by the Commission.

“This is great news and the result of a lot of hard work, as we continue to make progress towards obtaining the necessary planning and regulatory consents for this nationally important development,” commented managing director of EDF’s nuclear build division, Humphrey Cadoux-Hudson.

The French utility currently produces one-sixth of the UK’s electricity from its nuclear power stations, wind farms, coal- and gas-fired power stations and combined heat and power plants.

The company, with its UK partner Centrica, is one of the few left still planning new nuclear developments in the country.

The government has also publicly welcomed the development as a “confident step forward” for EDF’s plans. Privately, there is no doubt relief after its strategy to move forward with new nuclear capacity has floundered as other energy companies have dropped their plans.

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